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Download the 180-page bible of marketing optimization:

Optimarketing Marketing Optimization to Electrify Your Business.

Some of Robert’s accomplishments.

Launched Dr. Solomon’s Anti-Virus in the US and continued as its agency through the successful sale for more than $600 million.
Headed the agency for SoftBridge during their rise to #1 on the Softletter list of America’s fastest-growing software companies.
As lead on the successful launch of MicroFridge in hotels, motels, and colleges, developed a direct marketing campaign that achieved a transaction rate above 20%.
In split-run testing of banner advertising for StraighterLine, achieved a 396% increase in product trials.
Developed a B2B email marketing campaign for RSA Security that brought in more than 2,150 leads within 72 hours.
As an early Bright Horizons agency, helped the business become one of the world’s most successful childcare centers.
Launched Dr. Solomon’s Anti-Virus in the US and continued as its agency through the successful sale for more than $600 million.
Headed the agency for SoftBridge during their rise to #1 on the Softletter list of America’s fastest-growing software companies.
As agency for Microcom, contributed to a tripling of the stock price.
Developed a direct marketing campaign for Iron Mountain that resulted in a tenfold response rate increase.
Managed a sweepstakes for Petersen’s Photographic magazine that achieved a 32% response rate and another for the Petersen automotive group that pulled in more than 120,000 subscriptions.

Brand experience.

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What Robert can do for you.

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AI-based marketing
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Blog posting
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Campaign concepts
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Campaign management
aCreated by Happy Girlfrom the Noun Project
Content creation
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Demand generation
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Direct response
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Email marketing
aCreated by Good Wifefrom the Noun Project
Inbound marketing
computer pc web development feature setting programing coding browser interfaceCreated by tezar tantularfrom the Noun Project
Landing page development
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Lead nurture programs
Created by Rifaifrom the Noun Project
Marketing action plans
Created by Ali Nur Rohmanfrom the Noun Project
Marketing funnels
Created by IGraphicsfrom Noun Project
Marketing optimization
Created by Tomi Triyanafrom the Noun Project
Pay-per-click (PPC) programs
Created by riyan adi senafrom the Noun Project
Survey design
Created by Slamlabsfrom the Noun Project
Testing strategies
Created by I Putu Kharismayadifrom the Noun Project
Web video scripting

Yep – you can afford him.

That exposed-brick office down the hall from Monster (a former client) and full-time staff are no more. Gone too are pricey retainer relationships and minimum project fees. Today, Robert Rosenthal freelances his time by the hour from a condo in Charlotte’s Southend. When clients need full agency resources, Robert adds freelancers on an hourly or project basis. Collaborate with Robert and Contenteurs for as little as one hour. No entity is too small (or big) for the creator of Optimarketing.

What clients say.

Read positive experiences of people who consulted your service before, and you will be more confident & courageous to approach our service without hesitation.

About Robert Rosenthal.

Robert began in marketing as a college student when a friend from the family that owned Motorcycle Accessories West asked him to write catalog blurbs. After graduating from California State University, Northridge with a Bachelor of Science degree in marketing, he managed subscription direct marketing for Petersen Publishing (Motor Trend, Photographic, Teen, et al.) in Los Angeles.

He then headed to BBDO on Madison Avenue in Manhattan and helped the agency win the Hasbro account. From there, Robert managed marketing for one of America’s largest B2B marketers: the American Management Association. While running Publishers Choice, Robert’s sold well over 1.5 million books.

Robert founded his marketing agency in 1989 on Boston’s Route 128 Technology Belt. Today, after running thousands of marketing tests, working with more than 250 clients on dozens of record-breaking campaigns, and winning more than 50 awards, Robert serves businesses (including social enterprises) and not-for-profits aiming to make a dent in the world. From a condo in Charlotte, North Carolina, Robert serves a global clientele.

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Complete this form to speak with the author of Optimarketing about your marketing challenges, opportunities, and dreams. If you’d like a PDF of his 180-page book, just say so in the message area and Robert will email it over.

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